Our Member Clubs

West Australian Suburban Turf Cricket Association

Founded in 1896, the West Australian Suburban Turf Cricket Association (WASTCA) is one of the oldest cricket competitions in WA. 

The WASTCA currently has 21 Member Clubs and more than 2,500 players taking part in competitions across the metropolitan area, from Joondalup in the north, to Kalamunda in the East and Murdoch in the south. 

The Association is the only competition in the metropolitan area to run both turf and hard-wicket competitions of both one and two day cricket.
In addition to 13 Saturday Competitions, the WASTCA runs a two division T20 competition and a Colts competition over five Sundays throughout the season. 

The best players from all Clubs represent WASTCA as part of the CricketWest Cup, playing 5 games over the course of the season in three competitions, Seniors, Veterans and Colts. These games attract big crowds as the best of the best tackle each other in T20 matches.

Our Association has had the following names:

1896-1903      WA Junior Association
1903-1928      Metropolitan Senior Matting Association
1928-1932      WA Matting Association
1932-1958      WA Senior Matting Association
1958-1964      WA Minor Association
1964-Current      West Australian Suburban Turf Cricket Association

To visit the WASTCA website, please click here


Perth Swan Cricket Association

The Perth Swan Cricket Association is in its second season - a coming together of the Perth Cricket Association (PCA) and Swan & Helena Districts Cricket Association (S&HDCA). In turn - both of those Associations have had their own recent amalgamations. Perth Mercantile & Metropolitan Cricket Associations joined in June 1997 to form the PCA and Swan Helena and Hills joining forces in 2004.

The history of all of the original Associations goes back to the very early 1900's. The newly formed PSCA has 31 clubs comprising nearly 100 teams. There are six grades playing 7 two day and 7 one day games per season and six grades of one day only games. The clubs are located from City Beach in the west to Mundaring in the east, Canning Vale in the south to Ellenbrook in the north.

To visit the Perth Swan website, please click here



North Suburban Community Cricket Association

The NSCCA started in 1977 when the Wanneroo Cricket Association (WCA) was founded. In its first season in 1977-78, the competition comprised eight teams.

 Although early records are unclear, it is understood the original founding clubs were Wanneroo, Greenwood, Balcatta, Kingsway, Sun City, Grove, Warwick Grenville and Koondoola.


The WCA changed its name to the North Suburban Community Cricket Association (NSCCA) following a historic meeting of the clubs on Wednesday November 5, 2008. The name change was designed to capture and reflect the enormous population growth in the northern western suburbs of Perth, where the competition is located.

The new name was officially christened at a special function on Sunday 18 January at North Beach Cricket Club, at Charles Riley Reserve, North Beach. The Association’s constitutional objective is to encourage and foster the game of cricket in every way possible.  The competition fielded 17 affiliated clubs and an Umpires Association. All games in the NSCCA are played predominately on reserves throughout the City of Joondalup, City of Wanneroo, City of Stirling and Swan Shire Council. The WCA won its first inter-association title in Colts in 1989-90 and seniors in 1991-92. It also won the Colts title in the 1995-96 and 2007-08 seasons.

WCA was involved with the original discussions that led to the formation of the Wanneroo Districts Club and was one of the primary reasons for its foundation. The WCA was supposed to act as the feeder and catchment competition for the new District Club and while that alliance has never been formalised, it has resulted in providing the club with many players over the years.

To visit the North Suburban website, please click here


South Metropolitan Cricket Association

In May 1996 initial meetings between sub-committees of the South Suburban Cricket Association and the Fremantle and Districts Mercantile Cricket Association were introduced by the two associations to investigate the feasibility of a possible merger in future seasons, with a time frame of three to five seasons.

After these early meetings, a sub-committee consisting of Ray Howe, Terry Garner, Gil McDonald from the SSCA and Laurie Farmer, Brian Waterer and and Ian Hale from the F&DMCA was formed to draw up a common constitution from the two former constitutions.

As the 1996/97 season was approaching, Leeming Spartans Cricket Club were invited to join the SSCA after the Thornlie Cricket Club had left to join the WA Suburban Turf Cricket Association. After Leeming accepted this invitation, the remaining F&DMCA clubs held a special general meeting and decided to join the SSCA for the for 1996-97 season with the intention of merging officially the following season of 1997-98. This was agreed by SSCA for 1996-97 with David Nolan, Brian Waterer and Ian Hale joining the SSCA Executive for that season.

During the off season prior to 1997-98 the constitution was finalised and ratified at a special annual general meeting.  It was agreed to form the new association, The South Metropolitan Cricket Association.

To visit the South Metro website, please click here
