COVID-19 | Close Contacts In Cricket Information & Instructions
We have this morning received information from SportWest regarding who is and isn’t to be regarded as a close contact in regard to sports.
Until very recently, the Department of Health has played the sole role of identifying close contacts of confirmed Covid-19 cases and conducted the contract tracing.
As case numbers have risen this has necessitated a change in this approach. Attached is important information regarding the role of WA Community Cricket and our clubs, associations and indoor centres when it comes to identifying close contacts and notifying people. This has been developed in consultation with WA Health, WA Police, SportWest and DLGSC to try and provide clarity to the current situation.
In terms of contact tracing this responsibility has shifted from the Department of Health to businesses, schools, sporting organisations etc. Meaning that if we are advised of a positive Covid-19 case within our sport, we will need to have a process in place to identify close contacts and communicate with them.
IMPORTANT: The Department of Health are very clear in their definition of a Close Contact, and this definition should be viewed in black and white terms despite that not necessarily being our natural instinct. The guidance is simple – stick to the definitions.
It is anticipated the number of Close Contacts that eventuate from sporting environments will be limited. As an example, only in sports that go for longer than two hours AND inside a small room, without masks. OR a sport where there is 15 minutes of close proximity face to face contact without masks would lead to a close contact situation.
I can’t think of many sports that would reach this definition but I’m sure there are some.
The greater risk is actually pre or post a game/match/event. Ie. in locker rooms, sharing a meal or drink etc.
Let’s think about outdoor cricket and Woolworths Cricket Blast:
More than 2 hours: Usually, yes
Inside a small room: No
Without masks: Outside yes, inside no
Therefore NOT Close Contact for the time of play
15 minutes of face to face contact without masks?: If people follow the Community Cricket COVID Plan (being updated today) with either Best Practice or Good Practice, then this is a no.
Therefore NOT Close Contact for scenarios around the match, training, changing room, morning or afternoon tea breaks, pre or post-match in the clubrooms.
How about indoor cricket?:
More than 2 hours: Usually, no
Inside a small room: No
Without masks: Inside yes
15 minutes of face to face contact without masks: No
Therefore NOT Close Contact for the time of play
Are there bars and a social aspect to indoor centres? Yes, however all indoor centres have their own Covid-19 restrictions and measures in places.
How about schools?:
We will not be deciding whether or not participants of any schools programs are or aren’t close Close Contacts.
We can support accordingly with the knowledge contained here.
Reference to the Community Cricket Covid-19 Information webpage should be reinforced when communicating the above to clubs and associations.
What to do in the event of being notified of a positive case at a club?
Offer support to clubs/associations in navigating through the Close Contact definitions, keeping in mind the “stick to the definitions” mantra encouraged by SportWest.
Don’t overthink things. K.I.S.
Encourage the club/associations to use the templates in the attached document to inform their members of the current situation.
Keep a record of the Covid-19 case (not personal details of course, just club, team, fixture for example).
Keep a record of your actions with the club or association.
Notify your manager.
James Hewitt
Affiliate Services Specialist